Summer whistle

Summer whistle

Dato: 17. July, 2024
Tid: 20:00 - 23:00
Sted: Groven Campsite
© Groven Camping

Gather your gang for pimple night!

Les meir


Summer whistle

Dato: 17. July, 2024
Tid: 20:00 - 23:00
Sted: Groven Campsite
© Groven Camping

Gather your gang for pimple night!

Les meir

Like last year, Anne Tveito takes us into the twists this summer.
Check out Twistposen before you come.
Meet tourists and locals for a mobile-free competition.
Max 6 on each team.
The prize is NOK 500 + pizza.  


Member: 0.00 Adult: 100,00  

Contact information

Folkeakademiet Vinje Tel:
95897895 E-mail: