Easter egg hunt in Åmot city center!

Easter egg hunt in Åmot city center!

Dato: 30. March, 2024
Tid: 09:30 - 13:00
Sted: Åmot city center

Join Visit Vinje on an Easter egg hunt right in the center of Åmot, Eastereftan!

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Easter egg hunt in Åmot city center!

Dato: 30. March, 2024
Tid: 09:30 - 13:00
Sted: Åmot city center

Join Visit Vinje on an Easter egg hunt right in the center of Åmot, Eastereftan!

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During the night, the rabbit has been on a little walk and had fun with all its eggs.
We need help to find them again, as rumor has it that the giant is a bit forgetful!
There’s a good chance that a chicken or two will turn up, along with a few surprises.
Bring young and old to an exciting and fun Easter hunt.
Finns are the winners!