Painting course with Ruth Kvålo Dalen

Painting course with Ruth Kvålo Dalen

Fra dato: 28. July, 2024
Til dato: 31. July, 2024
Heile dagen
Sted: Lidvegen 318, 3890 Vinje

This time, Ruth invites you to a course at her own farm.

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Painting course with Ruth Kvålo Dalen

Fra dato: 28. July, 2024
Til dato: 31. July, 2024
Heile dagen
Sted: Lidvegen 318, 3890 Vinje

This time, Ruth invites you to a course at her own farm.

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You’ll learn how to measure with oil on canvas, where the focus is on measuring what you see and gaining a greater sense of mastery.
No prior knowledge is needed to join the course.
It will be possible to stay overnight, as well as stroll in idyllic surroundings.
For questions.
information letter, prices and registration: Call: +47 905 97 872, or send an e-mail to Do you need accommodation? Welcome!