Summer whistle

Summer whistle

Dato: 24. July, 2024
Tid: 20:00 - 23:00
Sted: Groven Campsite
© Groven Camping

Gather the gang for pimple night!

Les meir


Summer whistle

Dato: 24. July, 2024
Tid: 20:00 - 23:00
Sted: Groven Campsite
© Groven Camping

Gather the gang for pimple night!

Les meir

Sumarkvissen continues with Kyrre Hegg as whisperer.
Would you like to take part in a mobile-free competition with tourists and locals?
max 6 on each team.
The prize is NOK 500 + pizza


Member: 0.00 Adult: 100,00  

Contact information

Folkeakademiet Vinje Tel:
95897895 E-mail: