Vinje public library

The main library in Vinje is located in the center of Åmot, in the same building as the police.
The entrance is on the opposite side.
The branches in Edland and Rauland are in the schools.

Activity information

You can search our collection via the library’s catalog/website.
You can also log in to reserve or renew loans. A link to the website can be found here The library has its own page on Facebook.
Here, events, information and opening hours are posted in connection with Christmas, Easter and summer vacation. Link to the Facebook page can be found here The library also has an Instagram account where reading tips and new books in the collection that are available for borrowing are posted. Link to the Instagram account can be found here You can also follow the library on TikTok to find reading tips and information for children and young people. Link to the TikTok account can be found here DIGIHJELPEN Do you have questions related to the use of your own computer, mobile or tablet?
Every Tuesday between kl.
14.00 – 18.00 you are welcome to get simple digital help at the library in Åmot, with one-on-one guidance.
The same offer is available at the branch in Edland at.
16.00 – 18.00 on Thursdays.
Stop by to arrange a time in advance, or call us on tel: 35 07 26 60.

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