Groven Camping & Hyttegrend

A traditional family campsite in Vinje, just 250m from the center of Åmot. Enjoy relaxing days with activities such as swimming, fishing, cycling and hiking.

Contact information

Address:  Raulandsvegen 41, 3890 Vinje
E-mail address:
Phone number: +47 909 56 484
Booking & more info:

The site has 10 well-equipped year-round cabins, 10 simple summer camping cabins, 42 adapted caravan sites with their own lawn and gravel driveway.
The area has modern emptying stations and two sanitary facilities.
In addition, there are approx.
50 caravan/tent pitches.
The camping cabins are converted old carpenters from Groven gard and the surrounding area, and form a small idyllic yard.
The yard contains wood, barn, attic, storehouse, fireplace and “double cabin”.
The loft is probably one of the oldest camping cabins in Norway, at 700 years old.
During the summer months, the site has an open kiosk with outdoor food and drink, three playgrounds, goats on pasture and its own swimming pond with floating docks.
There are also good hiking opportunities from the site.
Free fishing and boat rental in Ormetjønn.
A warm welcome!

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