
Tour: Åmot - Dalen - Eidsborg - Høydalsmo - Åmot

A journey through nature, tradition and architecture in our neighborhood.

Activity information

Emergence: Car or bike
Length: 77 km
Dedicate: Family-friendly car travel, bikes for the fittest

Start your journey in Åmot and experience the town's cafés and shops before taking a detour to Dalen. First stop: the natural phenomenon Ravnejuv. Ravnejuv is a 350 meter drop straight down into Tokkeåi. Drop a leaf over the edge and watch it come flying back! Read more about Ravnejuv here.

After just a 6-minute drive towards Dalen, you can swing by Telemarkssylv and Ingrid's forge. She mainly makes bunad sleeves, but also jewelry of various kinds. Hand engraving in various metals is a trademark of the small smithy, which practises traditional craftsmanship.

Dalen is the next stop and offers a range of experiences and activities. How about a walk in the gardens of the stately Dalen Hotel? Or enjoy some pampering and relaxation in the stunning Soria Moria sauna? We can also recommend a visit to Dalen pier. The canal boat is docked here during the summer season, and the gallery and café are open. Dalen also has great niche shops that are definitely worth a visit!

Now you can climb the steep slopes and sharp turns of Eidsborgberget. At the top is the hamlet of Eidsborg, home to the country's smallest stave church. Here you'll also find the West Telemark Museum, where you can fill up on history, culture and good food. The activity park in the yard includes the Telemark Canal in miniature. Let the kids test the locks before they return home!

When you're good and full and full of great experiences, the trip continues to Høydalsmo and E-134, home to Åmot.

See what you can experience