
Hyllandsfoss Camping

By RV37, 2 km from Åmot in the direction of Rauland, you will find Hyllandsfoss Camping. With Hyllandshylen and Hyllandsfossen as the nearest neighbors, the site is idyllic and peaceful.

Contact information

Address:  Raulandsvegen 204, 3890 Vinje
Telephone: +47 91 55 11 55

The waterfall is usually regulated, but when the water is dragged from Totak and down the watercourse it is a spectacular sight! Hyllandsfoss Camping has a total of 10 cabins open all year round for rent.

8 of them have standard camping standards without running water.

2 of the cabins have running water and are also fully equipped with kitchenware, bed linen, dishwasher and TV. There are 2 bedrooms on the ground floor, and the cabins also have a loft with its own door.

There is also room for about 30-35 bow lines, and we have power outlets for about 20.

A new and modern sanitary facility, equipped with a disabled toilet, is ready for use by all our guests. We also have a laundry room where you can wash your clothes if needed. And if you need a bed linen? You can rent them from us.

It's about a 20-24 minute drive from Hyllandsfoss to the alpine center in Rauland, but you don't have to travel anywhere to enjoy the winter.

We have groomed ski trails in the forest just behind the cabins. In summer, you can explore the area via nice hiking trails, or enjoy the peace and quiet of the campsite - and maybe enjoy the fish hatch?

Our guests fish for free with a rod at Hylen. You won't find a reception desk here, but we can help you by phone!


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