
In the middle of the city center lies Ormetjønn, a pleasant hiking area for the whole family with a circular trail and child-friendly beach.

Activity information

In the middle of the city center lies Ormetjønn, a pleasant hiking area for the whole family with a circular trail and child-friendly beach.
The forest road that skirts the lake is about 3 km long, with signposted detours that, among other things, take you to the remains of old homesteads – and the Trolldom stone.
Do you dare to pass by?
The trail can also be great on a bike, if you like a bit of terrain.
In winter, the cross-country ski trail runs here.
Did you know that Ormetjønn is a pond with no access to a stream, and that the aurochs spawn on warm upwellings?
Quite unique!
It also provides bathing temperatures that most people can enjoy.

See what you can experience