
Concert: “Solplomme” at Smørklepp Art Museum

Dato: 22. September, 2024
Tid: 14:00 - 15:00
Sted: Smørklepp Art Museum
© Mari Tveiti

Welcome to a fall concert in idyllic and artistic Smørklepp!

Les meir

Litteraturdagane: Festival opening

Dato: 26. September, 2024
Tid: 18:00
Sted: Vinjar

Welcome to the opening evening, via the authorship of Aslaug Vaa

Les meir

Literature Days: Daily program Friday

Dato: 27. September, 2024
Tid: 12:00
Sted: Vinjar

The festival theme for 2024 is POWER.
The power of change and the power of literature are a few key words for a memorable festival Friday at Vinjar!

Les meir

Literature Days: Evening program Friday

Dato: 27. September, 2024
Tid: 18:00
Sted: Vinjar

The festival theme for 2024 is POWER.
Driving force and creativity are a few key words for the literature pub at Vinjar!

Les meir

Literature Days: Dagsprogram laurdag

Dato: 28. September, 2024
Tid: 10:30
Sted: Vinjar

The 2024 festival theme is POWER.
Computational power and power development are a few key words for a memorable festival day at Vinjar!

Les meir

Litteraturdagane: Kveldsprogram laurdag

Dato: 28. September, 2024
Tid: 18:00
Sted: Edland community center

Welcome to a festive evening in Storeguthallen at Edland school!

Les meir

Festival service test

Dato: 29. September, 2024
Tid: 11:00 - 12:00
Sted: Vinje church
© Ove Inge Årlid

Welcome to the festival service!

Les meir

Literature Days: Sundag

Dato: 29. September, 2024
Tid: 11:00
Sted: Vinje church

Welcome to the festival service

Les meir

The political juggernaut

Dato: 3. November, 2024
Tid: 19:00 - 21:00
Sted: Vinje House
© Teater Ibsen

This fall’s big comedy from Ibsen Theatre is Ludvig Holberg’s classic: “The Political Juggernaut”.
In the role of Herman von Bremen we find Helén Vikstvedt and with her are Monica Hjelle, Ida Ursin Holm, Hadle Reisæter and Hanne Amalie Smedstad.

Les meir

Community cinema

Dato: 17. September, 2024
Tid: 18:00 - 22:00
Sted: Vinje House

Welcome to Bygdekino!
This gong; The School with the Magic Animals 2 and Quisling’s Last Days

Les meir

Animal squawk

Dato: 13. September, 2024
Tid: 20:00
Sted: Groven Campsite
© Groven Camping

Welcome to pimples!

Les meir

Theory course with Ruth Kvålo Dalen

Dato: 12. September, 2024
Tid: 18:00
Sted: Øyfjell school

Welcome to the drawing course for beginners.

Les meir


Dato: 12. September, 2024
Tid: 11:00 - 13:00
Sted: Hawk seal
© Vinje Handverkslag

Vinje Handverkslag invites you to a morning meeting at Haugsæl

Les meir

Vinje Bygdepride

Dato: 31. August, 2024
Tid: 12:00 - 16:00
Sted: The wine center
© Ea Kristine Bakken

Join us at Vinje bygdepride!

Les meir

Vinje Day 2024

Dato: 24. August, 2024
Tid: 10:00 - 16:00
Sted: Right in the center of Åmot

Welcome to the most enjoyable day of the year in the center of Åmot.
Here we meet for shopping, entertainment, play and fun!

Les meir

Community cinema

Dato: 20. August, 2024
Tid: 18:00 - 20:00
Sted: Vinje House

Welcome to community cinema! This time; Grusomme meg 4 and Det endar med oss.

Les meir

Summer whistle

Dato: 31. July, 2024
Tid: 20:00 - 23:00
Sted: Groven Campsite
© Groven Camping

Gather your gang for pimple night!

Les meir

Painting course with Ruth Kvålo Dalen

Fra dato: 28. July, 2024
Til dato: 31. July, 2024
Heile dagen
Sted: Lidvegen 318, 3890 Vinje

This time, Ruth invites you to a course at her own farm.

Les meir

Summer whistle

Dato: 24. July, 2024
Tid: 20:00 - 23:00
Sted: Groven Campsite
© Groven Camping

Gather the gang for pimple night!

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The bulletin board

Extensive banding in Vinje

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Literature Days 26-29. September 2024

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Summer opening at our museums, and Diktarheimen Midtbø

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Activities at Vinjesenteret this summer

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17. May celebration!

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Celebration of Aasmund Olavsson Vinje

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Easter holiday in Vinje 🐣

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Grendelåmi, the ski race for the whole family.

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3-course dinner at Groven Camping og Hyttegrend at Easter

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Donald Duck can’t talk wine!

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Winter vacation in Vinje ❄️

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New app with information from the municipality

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Fireworks for the New Year!

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Opening hours in jola 🎄🌟

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Children’s art exhibition at Vinjesenteret

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Spring break in Vinje 🍂

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Vinje day 2024

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Vinje day 2023 – 40 years

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